I Have A True Desire For Your Company To Thrive
Why hire a bookkeeper:
You know your industry. It’s what you’re good at and what pays you well.
The downside to being a business owner is the critical paperwork requirements you must follow.
Why must you complete the paperwork requirements in a timely manner? Click HERE
Your reputation stems from how you manage all areas of your business. This includes who you choose to outsource divisions too (your team includes your bookkeeper).

We all desire to work smarter, not harder.
Clarity, and as much control as you desire, can be yours.
Why hire Thrive Bookkeeping:
I love exploring emerging technological advances in this field. I want your company to process its paperwork as efficiently and as accurately as possible, requiring the least amount of effort from you. All the while, ensuring clients receive and pay their invoices in a timely manner. Cash flow is king!
I have a lot of business experience to pull from (I have run two other successful businesses). I have always done my own books, taxes, marketing, website development, policy development, etc. I can help you with many business tasks.
My education is in accounting and business. I have a lot of experience with the public as a business owner.
I am advanced certified in QuickBooks Online (QBO).
I have experience in QuickBooks Desktop. I’ve worked in Sage too. I know QuickBooks Online is where your company will thrive.
I am passionate about accounting and I always do my best. If your business is thriving, I get excited. My business experience and education will give you that competitive edge.
I am HIGHLY confidential. There is no substitute for this. You have risked your time and money to make your dream a reality. I am honoured to be a part of that. I can help you be the best in your industry by keeping your financials, processes, vendors, contact, etc., private.
Accountants love receiving my client’s books at year end. They are balanced and tidy, which keeps your accounting fees low.

How do you want to spend your time in 2025?
Share your pain points with me
Cloud Accounting:
We all have laptops, tablets, and smartphones. These same devices can be used to view/manage your business from anywhere (in the world) that you have internet.
QBO is THE software to provide multiple solutions for businesses.
Cloud Accounting gives you your company’s financial facts faster than any other accounting method. Make business decisions based on facts, like qualifying for business loans and monthly government support programs.
How does QBO make your paperwork requirements easy? Click HERE
Why choose cloud accounting? Click HERE